ParadeDB 0.11.0, database access layers, AND YOU!

Posted: 2024-10-19T19:46:10Z
Updated: 2024-10-21T15:52:11Z

Author's note: I originally published this on October 19th. I then grew dissatisfied and wrote a post v2. This is perhaps the reason I failed English courses and became a software engineer.

Mosquito PR MK XVI

Introducing ParadeDB for the uninitiated

ParadeDB is an alternative to ElasticSearch built on Postgres. More technically, it's a trio of extensions that fulfill the same purpose:

  • pg_search which embeds a BM25 full text search engine (Tantivy), and extends SQL to allow for composing search queries.
  • pg_analytics which embeds DuckDB, allowing Postgres to query datalakes on S3 in formats like Parquet.
  • pgvector, a standalone extension which implements vector data storage and similarity search.

It's all Postgres extensions! MWAHAHAHAHA

Last week's update

ParadeDB 0.11.0 dropped last week with lots of improvements, including an overhauled API. The syntax is far more viable for database access layers (DBALs) to accommodate.

In my prior attempt to support ParadeDB in Elixir, I had to completely fork Ecto to support search query composition. This is because previous versions of ParadeDB embedded search queries entirely in the FROM expression like so:

  query => paradedb.boolean(
    must => ARRAY[
      paradedb.parse(field => 'transcript', value => 'mechanical OR "broke down" OR "tow truck"'),
      paradedb.range(field => 'call_length', range => int4range(5, NULL, '[)'))
  order_by_field => 'start_time',
  order_by_direction => 'desc',
  limit_rows => 15

Search queries had a very visible start with and ending at ). This simplified parsing and planning but posed several downsides:

  • The search query added a de facto SEARCH clause to PSQL, similar-to-but-distinct-from WHERE. DBALs were effectively responsible for providing composition for that SEARCH clause in addition to WHERE -- In fact, I had to fork Ecto to quite literally implement a search: clause.
  • The .search function reimplemented bits of SQL with properties like order_by_field and limit_rows, which required special handling regardless of approach.
  • While simple, this approach also precluded lots of optimization.

0.11.0 replaces the .search() syntax entirely with an infix @@@ operator. Here's a workalike query for comparison:

  calls.transcript @@@ 'mechanical OR "broke down" OR "tow truck"' AND @@@ paradedb.range('call_length', int4range(5, NULL, '[)'))
ORDER BY calls.start_time DESC

With this new API, ParadeDB's much more involved with query planning and execution, and DBALs have an easier go of things:

  • Most DBALs already compose WHERE clauses, so the only overhead now is adding the query functions and @@@ operator.
  • Clauses like ORDER BY and LIMIT are now transparently pushed down to Tantivy as well.
  • As an aside there's room for performance gains on orders of magnitudes.

Introducing Paradex

I've published a package called Paradex that provides Ecto fragments for ParadeDB. The implementation's now a single file of trivial macros, compared to the prior fork.

Altogether I think this makes for a really compelling search solution:

  • There's no need to synchronize or Extract Transform & Load (ETL) data from Postgres to external services like ElasticSearch or Apache Solr.
  • You can compose search queries like you would any other Ecto query, and leverage Ecto's query caching.
  • The results of your search queries map to the Ecto schemas and associations you've already defined in your project. There's no need to marshall or re-query things from json.
  • Changes to your search index can be handled in your existing migration workflow.

Here's a workalike query from the example above:

import Ecto.Query
import Paradex

alias ParadexApp.Call
alias ParadexApp.Repo

search = ~s'mechanical OR "broke down" OR "tow truck"'
min_length = 5
page_size = 15

query =
    c in Call,
    select: %{id:, score: score(, time: c.start_time, text: c.transcript},
    where: c.transcript ~> ^search,
    order_by: [desc: c.start_time],
    limit: ^page_size

# composition :D
query =
  if some_condition do
    where(query, [c], ~> int4range("call_length", ^min_length, nil, "[)"))


Here's the results!

    id: 23579,
    score: 9.265514373779297,
    time: ~N[2024-10-11 10:42:48],
    text: "I'm 10-5 at Medical Center Drive in Great Seneca. There is an accident. They haven't blocked any of the roads yet, but they might have to block it once the tow truck is here. I'll just stick around."
    id: 23104,
    score: 10.1517333984375,
    time: ~N[2024-10-11 09:25:43],
    text: "Please, could you send the coordinator or someone? Are you broke down right before Watkins, ma'am?"

Hybrid search is also possible with pgvector, which I've included a guide for here.

Overall I'm quite happy with the results! ParadeDB's operationally much more simple than ElasticSearch, and when combined with Ecto, a much more cohesive solution at that.

Looking Forward

0.11.0 has really opened up a grimoire of possibilities. I'm excited to see the gaps in capabilities close with ElasticSearch, especially with analytical queries.

I hope ORMs and DBAL contributors in other languages will look into supporting ParadeDB, especially now that the amount of work necessary has been significantly reduced.

On a final note, I really think Postgres is the best database for most software service businesses operating today. Technical decision makers would do well to evaluate Postgres' capabilities before introducing multiple disparate storage technologies:

  • If you need a key-value store, look at hstore. Ruby on Rails 8 won't even ship with Redis b/c databases on NVME SSDs are fast enough.
  • If you need to store JSON documents, check out Postgres JSON Types and the new JSON_TABLE feature in Postgres 17.
  • If you need a columnar database for lakehouse analytics, consider ParadeDB and pg_analytics.
  • If you need a search engine, see the above article!
  • If you need a vector store and similarity search, pgvector has you covered.
  • For graph data, I don't have as great an answer until Property Graph Queries drop in Postgres.

Further Reading

A few months ago, database luminaries Michael Stonebraker and Andrew Pavlo published What Goes Around Comes Around... And Around... They don't pull any punches, so if you're a fan of Hadoop or MongoDB, probably don't read this.